Topic outline

  • FHWA Countermeasures for Signals and Pedestrian Crashes

    Credits: 1 PDH

    PDH Course Description:

    In this online engineering PDH course, estimates are discussed of the crash reduction expected if various countermeasures are implemented with respect to traffic signals and pedestrian crashes. The estimates are presented as Crash Reduction Factors (CRFs). Traffic engineers and other transportation professionals can use the information contained in this course when asking the following types of question:

    Which countermeasures might be considered at the signalized intersection of Maple and Elm Streets, an intersection that is experiencing a high number of crashes? What changes in the number of crashes are possible with the various countermeasures for traffic signals? Similarly, which countermeasures might be considered at the signalized intersection of Oak and Pine Streets, an intersection experiencing a high number of pedestrian crashes? What change in the number of pedestrian crashes can be expected with the implementation of the various countermeasures for pedestrian crashes?


    This course teaches the following specific knowledge and skills:
    • Define “crash reduction factors”;
    • Identify, for traffic signals, CRFs for signal operations, signal hardware, and combination signal and other countermeasures;
    • Identify, for pedestrian crashes, CRFs for signalization countermeasures, geometric countermeasures, and signs/markings/operational countermeasures;
    • Explain the purpose, warrants for signal installation, advantages, and disadvantages of traffic signals; and
    • Describe signal improvements that may decrease crashes.

    To take this course:

    1.) Enroll in Course: Click below to enroll:
    (must be logged into your user account)

    2.) Study: Once enrolled, click below to begin the course:

    Download the Study Guide

    3.) Test: Once you've thoroughly read the course materials, please click below to take the final examination.

    Take the final exam

    4.) Certificate: A passing grade of 70% or higher on the exam, is required to receive the certificate of completion for this PDH course.
         NOTE: After the exam is completed, you will need to return to this page, in order to print (download) the certificate of completion.

    Print the Certificate of Completion

    Intended Audience: This course is intended for engineers and other transportation professionals concerned with safety issues relating to traffic signalization and pedestrian safety issues.

    Publication Source: “Traffic Signals” FHWA-SA-10-005, November, 2009, and “Toolbox of Countermeasures and Their Potential Effectiveness for Pedestrian Crashes,” FHWA-SA-104, May 2008, which can be accessed at and

    Mark Rossow PhD, PE (retired)
    • Topic 1